Call for Papers :
ESDIT 2022
International Conference The Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies
We are inviting submissions for the International Conference on Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT2022), 6 & 7 October 2022. The aim of the conference is to study and ethically assess the transformative consequences of emerging technologies, on social institutions, the environment, human relations, personal identities, thought and language. There will be a particular focus on challenges of disruptive technologies to key concepts and values, like “truth”, “agency”, “democracy”, “human nature” and “life”.
This is the first major conference of the research programme Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies ( ESDiT runs from 2020 to 2029. Its management board consists of Philip Brey (programme leader), Sabine Roeser (programme vice leader), Peter-Paul Verbeek, Ibo van der Poel, Ingrid Robeyns, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Joel Anderson, Marcel Verweij and Vincent Müller.
Accordingly, we envision a total of 13 tracks that deal with these topics in particular:
1. Ethics of Human-like Robots
2. Fundamental Issues in AI
3. Technology and Changing Self-Understanding
4. Democracy and Technology
5. Social Justice and Technology
6. Control and Technology
7. The Conceptual Disruption of Nature by Socially Disruptive Technologies
8. The Technical Mimesis of Nature
9. The Role of Socially Disruptive Technologies in Climate Change and Climate Recovery
10. Criteria for Conceptual Engineering
11. Moral Change and Technology
12. New Approaches in Ethics of Technology
13. At the Intersection of Ethics and STEM
For further information and a detailed descriptions of the tracks, please visit the ESDiT website.